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Key words: medicine, antimicrobial agents, natural plant-based disinfectants, essential oils, flu, flu prophylaxis, respiratory diseases, respiratory infection contamination's, flu epidemics, immune system, immune system stimulation, protective forces of an organism, pesticides, toxic chemicals, toxicology, plants, biologically active substances of plants, phytotherapy, aerosol therapy, veterinary medicine, hens, poultry farming, broilers, chickens and cultivation, art ceramic, pottery, decorative ceramic, glazes pottery.



You, Inventor!


It is my homepage, I made it with myself, so, please do forgive me for poor design.

The site header - it is the only one chapter. As for me it is the most important part: the program of teaching the students to the inventing as the new specialty.

(Information presented in the Russian page is more detail).




- 1. Education. New project - the important addition to the education program for Tech universities students and last former schoolboys.

- 2. Patent business. There are some patentable projects of devices for sport, entertainment, medical and building techniques.

- 3. Medicine. Preventive maintenance of viral infections, the immune system level increase with Essential Oils using and other data on the Essential Oils application in people and veterinary medicine.

- 4. Art ceramic workshop. Individual production samples for sale or exhibition.

- 5. About the author: list of certificates on the inventions, patents, publications and last publications resumes (in Rus).

1. Education.


Dasha  The new project "You - are the Inventor! " is presented as original addition for education program. It is the seminar for technical universities students and last former schoolboys.

Maria Tikhomirova - Bachelor’s Degree holder of Kyiv National University of Culture & Art – is my co-author in efforts of creation such "School of Invention”.  She’ll lead this part of work.



   The activity of the Inventors needs to be considered as a separate kind of high level skill scientific work. Nevertheless, there is nothing mysterious or unexplained in inventor's work.
So, the study of the Inventors - must become the specialty, which could train the students, as well as they are training for other professions.



The program of the Seminar provides:

  • to study the students in active thinking;
  • to develope their abilities in the analysis and synthesis of different information;
  • studying main stages of patent process from the work idea creation till it application; systematizes logical steps in operation under working idea,    describes examples of creation the new working idea.
  •  to help for students in creation their own projects and verification its patentability.
  • patentable ideas listed below will be offered to the  students which will not create own  projects. 

The program contains the some element of Know-how, which promotes in students the reason for teaching.

I am sure, that 10% of students will creates own patents during first year study. Other students will make it a little bit later, but all of them will receive the sufficient knowledge, of how to find patentable idea in separate data and to bring it up till the level of patent on the invention.

Search for cooperation with Universities to put the methodology into practice.


2. There are patentable ideas. Search for partners.

Some projects listed below are ready for application, other needs in patent search.

Sport & entertainment:
= "Full-profile simulation machine for mountain ski training"
= "The yacht sail system" - such Sail system allows to make the corps and keel of a sailing vessel easier then usual.
= "Sport attraction on the mountain river"

= "Method of breath in asthma bronchi treatment"
= "Substanse and the Method preventing of xenobiotic unhealthy influence in human organism".
= "Essential Oils contained Device for massage" - # 99095024 patent of the Ukraine 09.09.2002 - (see the original text in Russian page). Practically, it is the new form of application and sale of essential oils.

Building technique and interior design:
= "The building crane" which does not require the place on a building platform.
= "An Air fountain" - original device for interiors of halls building


Projects can be interesting to the firms producing the equipment for games and sports on the ground and in the water, the equipment for sailing; building companies or pharmaceutical companies, engaged in development the new form of Essential Oils usage.

I search for partners who could pay patent application expenses for the right to stay the co-author or the single owner of the patent.


3. Essential Oils in medicine and veterinary medicine.

The Essential Oils usage for preventive treatment of season respiratory virus infections, the immune system stimulation and xenobiotics elimination.

  3.1 Some effects stipulated by Essential Oils:

- Essential Oils evaporated in the air promotes to decrease the frequency of respiratory viral infection in people;
- Preventive maintenance of disorders in people having professional contact with sources of radiation or living in areas with a high radiating (or xenobiotics) level;
- Essential Oils are able to stimulate the immune system and promote the adaptive possibilities of human organism in an extreme condition;

The method was created by author's collective (see Certificates on the Inventions of the USSR), was demonstrated on Central Exhibition of the USSR and recommended for usage by "HEALTH" TV-program in 1991.
The method was successfully used in children's gardens, schools and hospitals in northern regions of Russia during autumn - spring period of the year for decrease a level of respiratory diseases.

   3.2 "Essential Oils-contained Device for massage" - # 99095024 patent of the Ukraine 09.09.2002. Simple device fixed on skin surface of the body above the acupuncture points or inflamed area. The device has a calibrated aperture through which Essential oil evaporates slowly and absorbs by a skin only.
The fixing element has original design and (together with Oil-contained device) will become the new form of Pharmaceutical good for sale.

  3.3 Vast material have been obtained by application of essential oils in the industrial poultry farming: the death rate of chickens diminished, there was stimulation of the immune system of birds against the virus of Newcastle illness and the epidemiology situation in the herd of birds was quieter.

   4. Art ceramic workshop. I would like to sell it or take a part in exhibitions. Would be glad to communicate with colleagues.
Samples, represented in photos below, are made with terracotta, majolica, or details composed on the wood. Max. size ceramic details - 40x55 sm.

   5. About myself:

   Alexander Tykhomirov, 62 y., Ph.D. (medicine), the Inventor of the USSR, senior researcher (dep. patents and marketing of the State Nikitsky Botanical Gardens - National Research Center), an Artist in ceramic.
- Co-author of 11 Certificates on the Inventions USSR and patents of the Ukraine in medical method and equipment.
- Since 1978 the participant of the art exhibitions in Moscow, Kiev, Lvov, Simferopol, Yalta, Shaulyay.

Last publications resume (original text of the articles in Russian page).

       A. Tykhomirov, A. Yarosh. The State Nikitsky Botanical Gardens Bull. 2007, V. 94.- P.- 71-73.

       Infection diseases are the grate problem in industrial poultry farming:
      - Microorganism persistence in bird's has (or receives) a various antibiotic resistance;
      - Bird flu virus can drift in industrial herd from outside not spring-autumn season only but all over the year.
      - there is the opportunity of infection transmitting in poultry workers and makes this industry dangerous for consumers of meet and eggs;
      - Requirements the economic stability and ecological safety in poultry farming demands the searching of new medical products and methods suitable for    preventive maintenance bacteria infection in birds.
     - the Essential Oils have antibacterial properties, its are able to activate immune system in hens and could to be the perspective substances decreasing the level   of infection diseases in chickens.



(In press)

Group of young healthy men age 20-25 years have been examined with Tapping- and Corrected-test.  After that they had a rest time in the room where essential oil of   lavender  was evaporated with concentration 1,0 mg/m3 and was tested again.

After testing all of patients were divided in three sub-groups by the type of the nervous system answer: "weak”, "normal” and "strong”.

It was appeared that after the relax session with  essential oil patients in "weak” sub-group began to work a little bit speeder; patients in "weak” and "strong” sub-groups worked with more high-rate and exactness. 

It was the highest speed of work in "normal” sub-group but patients in "strong” sub-group have had the lowest errors in amount.



A. A. Tykhomirov. (Bull. of the Physiotherapy and resort. (in press). Essential oils are effective ionizaters of the air. Its ability to create aero ions is higher than under using UVR or crown electrical charge. Its is possible to conduct simultaneously Essential oils and UV-lamp but not Essential oils and crown electrical charge.



Tykhomirov A. A., Yarosh A. M.  Phytotherapy. The Annals 2008, # 1.- P. 18-21

The essential oil’s antibacterial activity is well combined with its favourable activity on central nervous, cardiovascular and immune system in human. Synthetic analogues  of EO have not such action  at all.  It is necessary to observe parameters of procedure concerning the form, duration and  applicating concentration  EO

EO with concentration more than 50 mg/m3 became the  cause of toxic damages  in lungs, kidneys and liver. It is desirable to use special evaporators for EO inhalation. It is wrong to use the contact water-oil aerosol for inhalation. We recommend using the essential oils for inhalation in evaporations form.



Tykhomirov A. A., Yarosh A. M.

Essential oils are effective ionizators of the air|aer|.  Its ability|power| to create aeroions is higher than under using UVR or crown electrical charge. It is possible to combinate EO inhalation and UVR, but not EO and crown electrical charge.  


= Essential oils application for the prophylaxis of seasonal acute respiratory diseases in healthy people

Tykhomirov A. A., Yarosh A. M.

Essential oils evaporated in the room in concentration 1-2 mg/m3 during 2-3 weeks are able to reduce the frequency of acute respiratory diseases  diseases.


= the pharmacological study of monarda (Monarda fistulosa) essential oil. (1985)

Tykhomirov A. A.,  Jeremenko A.J., Govoroon V.I., at all.

Never published.



Certificates on the Inventions, patents of the USSR and Ukraine:
(The original headers - in the Russian page. All data have been carried out in experiments under animals, bacterials, cell cultures and in human).

   1. "Essential Oils-contained Device for massage" patent (11) 51776, (21) 99095024 (22) 09.09.1999, (24) 16.12.2002, Ukraine.
   2. "Device for treatment "Aromabaroapplicator" patent (11) 55459, (21) 2000010054 (22) 05.01.2000, (24) 15.04.2003,  Ukraine.
   3. "Liquid waste conservation in space station life support system". 15.08. 1988 # 1445115, Certificate on the invention the USSR.
  4. "Radio protective substance".14.04.1981 #856077, USSR.
  5. "T-immune system stimulation by Essential Oils in adult with lung diseases" 15.01.1989 #1480174, USSR.
  6. "Mitosis stimulating substance" 14.04.1982 #950392, USSR
  7. "Spasmlitic substance" 10.07.1980 #2668199/18-13 6686, USSR.
  8. "Antihistamine substance" 14.09.1981 #898644, USSR.
  9. "Cryoglobulines indication method in blood serum of adults" 16.03.1982, #943574 USSR.
  10. "Pseudomonas fluoresces identification". 07.12.1982 #10129, USSR.
  11. "Blood cells conservation substance". 01.10.1982, #992061, USSR.

Publications 1967-2008:

More than 50 in amount, the main subject of publications is the clinical and experimental data in microbiology, epidemiology, biochemistry and status of Immune and Central nervous system in human with lung diseases treated with Essential Oils inhalation. The Essential Oils antibacterial properties, its possibilities in preventive maintenance viral epidemics, its influence in animals and other.

State Nikitsky Botanical Gardens
The Ukranian Academy of Agrarian Sciences,

Yalta Crimea Ukraine, 2010.

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